Monday 18 August 2014

Top advices for selecting comfortable shoes

Women are searching for tips to choose the right shoes that are stylish and at the same time give comfort to their feet. Heels are not a good choice for most of the women. Then what are the right options of shoes that look stylish and give comfort to the feet? Stop worrying and searching now, here are tips given by expert designers and fashion lovers for choosing the right shoes.

1 Go for those shoes that are light, comfortable and stylish. Multipurpose shoes that can be used for various occasions.

2 Check the size of the shoes. Shoes having 1 cm gap between your toe and the shoe front will be comfortable. They give ease of the movement of the toes. To check the exact size and fitness look at the back. Your heel will determine the exact gap of 1cm. Push your foot forward and see how much gap is left.

3 Look at the width of the shoes. It must be comfortable for the widest part of your foot. If it is not save your time and move to another one.

4 Always think about comfort during the whole day before buying shoes. If you look for comfort of just 2 to
   3 hours at parties, then your choice will be much easier.

5 Looking for high-heeled shoes? The wedge shaped heels are much more comfortable than the thin pencil heels. They give comfort for several hours.

6 Heels ranging from 3 to 4 inches are comfortable and unique styles are now available on the markets.

7 The upper part of the shoes must be plain and to have no irritating pins that would pinch your foot.

8  Try both shoes before purchasing the shoes.

9  Leather shoes are more comfortable and give long lasting relaxation to the foot. They are available in various designs and considered as the most durable and comfortable among all the other varieties.

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